Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Our 100 lists of 100: Hobbies for Student Journalists

Photo by RF._.studio / Pexels

Even the hardest working journalist needs to take a break now and then. Today we share some hobbies for those in need of a new hobby.

Our 100 lists of 100

1. Look at your school board reports and see what you could investigate
2. Take a look at previous stories you ran and think how you could use data journalism moving forward to better tell a stroy
3. Multimedia storytelling, try Hackastory.com and explore something new.
4. Long-form feature writing
5. Editorial cartooning
6. Editorial photography
7. Photojournalism
8. Documentary photography
9. Photo editing
10. Audio journalism
11. Podcast production
12. Radio broadcasting
13. Video journalism
14. Broadcast journalism
15. News reporting
16. News editing
17. Copy editing
18. Opinion writing
19. Editorial writing
20. Column writing
21. Sports journalism
22. Entertainment journalism
23. Cultural criticism
24. Book reviewing
25. Film reviewing
26. Music journalism
27. Fashion journalism
28. Food journalism
29. Travel writing
30. Environmental journalism
31. Science journalism
32. Health journalism
33. Technology reporting
34. Political reporting
35. International affairs reporting
36. Business journalism
37. Financial reporting
38. Sports commentary
39. Newsroom management
40. Newsroom production
41. Newsroom ethics
42. Newsroom leadership
43. Social media journalism
44. Community journalism
45. Freelance journalism
46. Blogging about journalism
47. Journalism education
48. Journalism advocacy
49. Media literacy education
50. Journalism mentorship
51. Journalism research
52. Editorial board participation
53. Public relations writing
54. Press release writing
55. Media relations
56. Investigative reporting workshops
57. Data analysis for journalism
58. Create a story pitch list by month
59. Newsroom collaboration projects
60. Journalism conferences and events
61. Media law and ethics study
62. Journalism history research
63. Reporting on local government
64. Student press involvement, New Voices (SPLC)
65. Newsroom technology exploration
66. Virtual reality journalism
67. Augmented reality journalism
68. Make a list of fact-checking resources for your staff
69. Digital storytelling
70. Community engagement reporting
71. Multimedia journalism training
72. Media criticism
73. Make a calendar of journalism awards deadlines for the staff
74. Journalistic writing workshops, pitch an idea for the National High School Journalism Convention
75. Make a list of Journalism awards your staff has won over the years
76. Create an interviewing techniques presentation for your staff
77. Public speaking for journalists
78. Press photography workshops
79. Create a video on how to podcast for your future staffers to reference.
80. Social justice reporting
81. Make a list of journalism scholarships to apply for and include deadline dates.
82. Create a list of potential Journalism internship for students
83. Look at journalism study abroad summer programs
84. Reporting on education
85. Journalism entrepreneurship
86. Create an editorial decision-making simulation for staffers
87. Attend local press club meetings in your community
88. Attend Journalism networking events
89. Create a Journalism book clubs
90. Review your staff policy manual and share it with your staffers and admin.
91. Create a plan for staff diversity and inclusion initiatives
92. Newsroom technology training
93. Make a service project plan so your staff can compete in the 100 hours of service project.
94. Create a recruitment strategy for the next school year
95. Newsroom diversity and inclusion
96. Journalism career exploration
97. Apply for the FAPFA award
98. Mentor a Journalism student at your high school
99. Freelance for local community newspapers
100. Build a portfolio of your work for college
101. Solutions Journalism
102. Advocacy Journalism

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