Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Our 100 lists of 100: Ways to Say “Good Job”


“Good job,” does the job, but there are plenty of other ways to let students know they are doing great things.

Our 100 lists of 100

1. “Nice work today, [Person’s name]!”
2. “Excellent job on your task.”
3. “Thank you for helping. Your efforts are contributing to the project.”
4. “Wow, you’re completing truly impressive work.”
5. “Congratulations on the work you’re completing. It’s really well done.”
6. “Outstanding job!”
7. “You’re a fast learner.”
8. “Wow, [Person’s name], you’re so good at what you do.”
9. “I’m so proud of your efforts.”
10. “You truly make a difference here.”
11. “Your work is incredible, [Person’s name].”
12. “Your work is going to leave a lasting impression on clients and encourage them to work with us again in the future.”
13. “This work is excellent. Is it okay if I share it with our top executives?”
14. “Your fast progress is truly inspiring.”
15. “I’m so impressed by the quality of your work, [Person’s name].”
16. “How did you complete this work so fast?”
17. “Excellent idea. I’m unsure I might have thought of it that way!”
18. “Please show this to our manager. I think it might impress them.”
19. “You’ve grown so much in this role.”
20. “Excellent job, [Person’s name]!”
21. “Now, this is really high-quality work.”
22. “Is it okay if I add this to our training materials?”
23. “Are you willing to present your work to our team? I think they can learn a lot from your efforts.”
24. “You’re doing such great work on the project, [Person’s name].”
25. “I’m so thankful to have you as a part of this team.”
26. “You’re such an amazing person to work with each day.”
27. “I thoroughly enjoyed perusing your work.”
28. “I’m so excited to see what you will do next.”
29. “Your contributions to this project aren’t going unnoticed.”
30. “[Person’s name], I just want to thank you for inspiring me with your amazing work.”
31. “I’m so grateful to call you my colleague.”
32. “You’re an essential asset to this team, [Person’s name].”
33. “How did you think of this? You’re truly amazing!”
34. “Can you tell me more about your thought process? I think I can learn a lot from you!”
35. “This work proves you’re ready for more responsibility here.”
36. “Be proud of how much you’ve accomplished since starting this project.”
37. “I knew you had it in you.”
38. “See, I told you that you had the potential to accomplish this!”
39. “I never doubted you for a second, [Person’s name].”
40. “Your skill level is so impressive.”
41. “Wow, you’re so skilled!”
42. “I think we can all learn a lot from you, [Person’s name].”
43. “Look at those skills! So impressive, [Person’s name].”
44. “This is truly excellent work, [Person’s name].”
45. “I hope you realize all your practice has paid off tremendously.”
46. “You’re going to continue to achieve great things, [Person’s name].”
47. “Our team’s success is largely thanks to your phenomenal efforts, [Person’s name].”
48. “[Person’s name], this is what high-quality work looks like.”
49. “I can tell that you take pride in what you do.”
50. “Beautiful work, [Person’s name].”
51. “You really impressed us all today.”
52. “This is the quality of work I like to see.”
53. “If you continue to perform like this, [Person’s name], we’re definitely going to meet our goals.”
54. “This is great work!”
55. “Your extra efforts make it easier for the rest of us.”
56. “Working with you is always delightful because you consistently turn in quality work and have a great attitude.”
57. “It’s clear that you pay attention to instructions and details.”
58. “We’re all impressed by your efforts lately, [Colleague’s name]. Keep it up!”
59. “I think we can excel if we decide to go with your idea.”
60. “You always have such interesting insight. Can you tell me more, please?”
61. “Your work ethic is so admirable.”
62. “Our junior colleagues view you as a role model, and so do I.”
63. “I hope to be as good at this task as you are someday.”
64. “You handled that obstacle like a true professional, [Person’s name].”
65. “We all agree your perspective is integral to this project.”
66. “You’re always completing tasks with such impressive results.”
67. “You’re truly talented at what you do, [Person’s name].”
68. “Fantastic work, [Person’s name]!”
69. “I can always count on you to deliver exceptional results.”
70. “I hope you realize you’re making a real difference in this field.”
71. “You increase the standards on this team, [Person’s name].”
72. “I hope it’s alright that I use your work to exemplify how I expect others to complete their tasks.”
73. “Is it okay if I share how nice it is working with you with our supervisor?”
74. “With your work ethic, you might lead this organization someday.”
75. “You always put so much thought into each assignment, and it shows.”
76. “I know this was a challenging assignment, but you worked through it and delivered exceptional results.”
77. “Obviously, you’re passionate about what you do as you’re consistently doing an excellent job.”
78. “Regardless of how minor the task might be, you always complete it with a positive attitude.”
79. “I know I can always rely on you to deliver significant results.”
80. “I truly envy your work ethic, [Person’s name].”
81. “I admire how effortless you make it seem.”
82. “I genuinely love working with you and think you’re such a strong asset to this team.”
83. “I’m so impressed by how quickly you finished that task.”
84. “You have all the right skills for this job, [Colleague’s name].”
85. “You’re so innovative and have exceptional problem-solving skills.”
86. “You’re definitely in the right role, [Person’s name].”
87. “Truly clever thinking, [Person’s name]. I’m so glad I asked for your help.”
88. “I know I can always rely on you for the best input.”
89. “Your opinions benefit our team.”
90. “Your work is going to ‘wow’ our clients.”
91. “I’m never going to forget this, [Person’s name].”
92. “You just keep getting better at this.”
93. “I know I can speak for everyone on the team when I say ‘we might not manage without you,’ [Person’s name].”
94. “You work so hard. I hope you take some time to rest, as you deserve it.”
95. “[Person’s name], I’ve never met someone who works as hard as you.”
96. “All the work you’ve completed lately has been very helpful.”
97. “Your previous work has shown me you can take on the assignment.”
98. “You’ve shown tremendous growth since taking on this role, [Person’s name].”
99. “It’s evident that you care a great deal about our work and take the time to ensure it’s up to our standards.”
100. “I’m excited to see what you do next!”

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