Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Our 100 lists of 100: Leadership Tips

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán / Pexels

Today’s list is great for sharing with current leaders and future leaders in your program. Consider sharing these on a daily basis to motivate and inspire.

Our 100 lists of 100

1. Always have a plan
2. Be consistent
3. Be honest
4. Create an agenda for every meeting
5. Create bonding activities for your staff
6. Create, know and use a staff budget
7. Do what you say you are going to do
8. Don’t do; advise
9. Don’t meet if you don’t need to meet
10. Face-to-face conversations are always best
11. Follow-through
12. Lead by example
13. Listen
14. Make time to have fun
15. Treat others fairly and with respect
16. Recognize individual strengths
17. Be fair
18. Give post-it note tips
19. Say thank you
20. Write handwritten thank you notes
21. Do random acts of kindness
22. Do a philanthropic activity in your school
23. Meet with your principal/superintendent regularaly
24. Utilize focus groups
25. Intentionally study the diversity of your coverage
26. Say happy birthday/give birthday cards
27. Organize team bonding activities outside the classroom that have nothing to do with journalism
28. Go to a sporting event together
29. Use a mentoring system to train your staff
30. Suggest to your adviser that you develop first five lessons to teach your classes
31. Develop kahoots or the like to do check ins with your staff
32. Be crystal clear wbout your expectations
33. Get the buy-in from all key stakeholders in your community
34. Focus on long-term goal setting
35. Know what you do well and where you need to improve
36. Always think of ways you can do things better
37. Take responsibility when you do things wrong
38. Learn how to sincerely say you’re sorry
39. Set norms for meetings
40. Be a role model
41. Praise others when they are successful
42. Know a little bit about everything and become an expert in something
43. Learn to be a good listener
44. Build a great team around you
45. Encourage others to take risks outside their comfort zone
46. Learn from your mistakes and help others learn from theirs
47. Don’t micro manage
48. Never fall into the trap of thinking you don’t need to continue to grow and develop
49. Empower other people to deliver results
50. Keep people informed
51. Communication constantly
52. Don’t pretend you know it all
53. Help people work out solutions to problems
54. Build good relationships
55. Be decisive
56. Focus on results
57. Know your WHY
58. Encourage constructive challenge on teams
59. Treat everyone equally
60. Never set people up to fail
61. Don’t be a bully
62. Know your priorities
63. Focus your time and energy on priorities
64. Be willing to change and adapt to new circumstances
65. Keep your stress levels in check
66. Always stop at appropriate times to build in fun
67. Take holidays
68. Set boundaries around working hours at school
69. Be honest
70. Set aside time to think and reflect
71. Address skills and knowledge gaps
72. Set the right tone
73. Know how to influence
74. Keep raising the bar
75. Keep asking yourself what you can do better and how you can do it
76. Simplify things
77. Never underestimate the importance of being a team
78. Don’t procrastinate
79. Know the 20% of your activities that deliver 80% of your results
80. Keep calm
81. Always put yourselves in the other person’s shoes
82. Don’t try to do it all yourself
83. Accept that people might do things differently from you
84. When things go wrong, don’t look for others to blame
85. Accept that you will make mistakes
86. Provide constructive feedback
87. Encourage others to suggest solutions
88. Treat your people well
89. Get everyone going in the same direction
90. Keep reminding everyone of the core values you’ve decided as a team
91. Bounce back from setbacks
92. Set results-based objectives
93. Seek regular feedback from others
94. Remember achieving anything requires persistence
95. Be able to interact with people at all levels
96. Reputation takes a long time to build and can be destroyed in minutes
97. Always tell the truth
98. Recruit people who are a good fit
99. Accept some people are happy with the same routine day after day
100. Remember that not everyone can be a high flyer
101. Never stop learning as a leader

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