Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Celebrating a Century of Scholastic Journalism Education

JEA Centennial

Our 100 lists of 100: Journalism Terms

Daniele Levis Pelusi / Unsplash

It’s a glossary come to life. Here’s a list of 100 terms every journalist should know.

Our 100 lists of 100

1. adviser
2. angle
3. AP Style
4. attribution
5. B-roll
6. beat
7. bias
8. bleed
9. blog
10. brief
11. byline
12. candids
13. caption
14. CMYK
15. column
16. convergence
17. content
18. copy
19. copyright
20. crop
21. crowdsourcing
22. cutout
23. dateline
24. deadline
25. deep background
26. defamation
27. direct quote
28. dominant image
29. edit
30. editorial
31. editorial policy
32. editorialize
33. embargo
34. ethics
35. eyeline
36. First Amendment
37. flag
38. folio
39. font
40. gatekeeper
41. graph
42. grid
43. gutter
44. hard news
45. headline
46. indirect quote
47. infographic
48. interview
49. inverted pyramid
50. jump
51. kerning
52. lead
53. leading
54. libel
55. malice
56. masthead
57. morgue
58. mug shot
59. nameplate
60. nut graf
61. obscenity
62. off the record
63. on the record
64. op/ed
65. photo credit
66. pica
67. point
68. policy
69. post
70. press conference
71. press release
72. profanity
73. proof
74. public figure
75. public official
76. public relations
77. publisher
78. pull quote
79. resolution
80. RGB
81. sans serif
82. scoop
83. serif
84. shield laws
85. sidebar
86. slander
87. social media
88. soft news
89. source
90. stand-alone photo
91. stringer
92. subhead
93. summary deck
94. teaser
95. theme
96. tombstoning
97. transition
98. white space
99. wire service
100. yellow journalism

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